
About Me

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Los Angeles, California, United States
Isabel was born in Santa Monica, California. She grew up in Los Angeles, where she witnessed crimes and miracles. The accounts of the incidents she witnessed became the subject of her dedication to serving others. She joined the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in May 2011 and now she serves as president of Blessed John Paul II Conference at California State University of Los Angeles. She enjoys traveling, learning about different cultures, painting, and reading. She believes that through art and literacy, we can spread peace and love throughout the world.

Friday, July 26, 2013

He Loves Us First

Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley gave Catechesis today and it was amazing. The way people can tell we are disciples is if we demonstrate it through our actions. If we love one another the way that God loves us, we can show the world that special love we have, fellowship, and paternity among each other. The special love we have is the love from God, whom loves us first. Cardinal O'Malley shared a story of a man who lived in a beautiful house on a mountain. One day, he stood outside his house looking down at the beach where people played on the sand. He saw a huge and dangerous wave coming that would surely wipe all his neighbors off the beach. He waved his arms and screamed in attempts to rescue his neighbors, but he was too far. So he set his house on fire. Everyone on the beach saw the beautiful house on fire, but not everyone cared. Some of the neighbors hesitated to run up the mountain and help and others didn't bother at all. The few neighbors that ran up the mountain to help, were the ones saved from the huge wave. When the Vincentians in Los Angeles help the homeless on the streets, we aren't only helping them, we are helping ourselves. We are sharing this special love with them, and trying to make disciples. 

Book suggestion from Cardinal O'Malley: "How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice"